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7 ways to make the most of winter in South Australia

Man sitting by fire with mountain range in the background

Winter is well & truly looming. The days are getting shorter, the temperature is getting colder and it's feeling harder to get out of bed in the morning. 

For us this will be the first winter we've spent here in Adelaide in four years and so we're busy prepping ourselves by planning a bunch of things to do to keep us motivated and excited to get out of the bed in the morning.

Winter can be tough. The days are short. You get to work in the dark and come home in the dark. It can be super hard to stay motivated and inspired.

We're here to tell you this feeling is okay. Summer and autumn, especially March here in SA, can feel like a crazy time so it's fine to embrace a slower pace of life and enjoy cozy times inside with warm cups of tea. 

But in saying that, I know if I get too comfortable spending time inside, I start to feel a little crazy. So, here's a few ideas we've got for how you can enjoy winter while also taking the time to slow down.

1. Find a community to join - there are so many free communities that do things like morning walks, runs or swims and they can be so much fun. It only commits you to one morning a week, or you could find a few if you choose. If you're not sure where to start, come to one of our free Sunday morning hikes and we can tell you about some of the others we know around the area.

Five people walking across large stones placed across a creek
Enjoying one of our free walks which is for people of all ability levels

2. Come up with 3 daily non-negotiables that improve your mood - for me, and I know these sound cliche but they work. Number one is a meditation or breath work session in the morning using YouTube or the app Insight Timer (usually only about 7-15 minutes long depending on what else I have happening). Two is, writing down at least 3 things in my gratitude journal, and the third is some sort of movement. Movement doesn't have to be a hard workout or a run because sometimes you just don't feel like it or you can't fit it into your day. Some days it might just be a 10-15 minute walk on the beach or a few stretches in front of the TV. Just remember that it's okay if you miss a day because something's come up.

A group of people on yoga mats with legs crossed with the ocean out of the window in front of them
Fitting in time for some meditation & movement on our Kangaroo Island Adventure Retreat

3. Spend time on the coastline - I was recently talking to someone who had just moved to SA from interstate and they were raving about our beaches. They truly are some of the best in the world, and in winter they are so empty! It is an incredible thing to be able to walk along a stunning beach and have it to yourself. Make the most of it because eventually people are going to find out about how incredible South Australia is and start travelling here more often.

Two emus in the foreground with the beach curving around in the background
The Yorke Peninsula has beaches so untouched that the emus even hang out on them

4. Embrace the elements - we had our first rain for ages the other day while I was out bike riding. I was so unprepared for it, I got soaked! And it was so much fun! I couldn't stop smiling the whole time I was out there! I came home drenched, cold and covered in mud, but I had a ball. A bit of rain or wind isn't going to hurt you - a guest said to Dani the other day, "we aren't made of sugar". It can be exciting to walk in wild wind and appreciate how strong and incredible nature is. If you're not sure if you have the right gear or you're worried at all, give us a call, we're always happy to give advice on what you need to know.

A group of ladies next to a dry waterfall in the rain
Embracing a beautiful morning in the rain on one of our free hikes

5. Discover somewhere new - SA has so much to see and do! Maybe you could suss out this cool new earth ship in Willunga and have a little Fleurieu getaway, or discover a new walk in the Adelaide Hills. Or maybe you want to get a bit further away and see Kangaroo Island, the Yorke Peninsula or the Flinders Ranges. Did you know we can take you and a group of friends on a private tour to any of these places and you wouldn't have to think about a thing! 

A curved eco home with an outdoor bath, chairs & a table made from a tree stump
The beautiful new accommodation, Earth ship Willunga.

6. Swim with the cuttlefish - did you know that SA has one of the most magical wildlife events in the world and it's for free! All you need is a warm wetsuit and a snorkel, and you can swim with the quirky cuttlefish at Point Lowly near Whyalla. If you're keen, let us know and we can organise a trip to check it out together.

Two bright blue cuttlefish amongst the seaweed
A picture from my trip to see the cuttlefish in 2021

7. Escape the office for a bit - winter can feel long, and hey, we live in an incredible country where you don't actually have to travel too far to be in a warmer location. From Adelaide it's only a 5 hour drive and you're in the Flinders Ranges enjoying beautiful sunny days in the middle of winter. 

If you want a trip away that keeps you motivated to train a little in advance this winter and then get some exercise as well as plenty of rest while experiencing sunny winter days, book one of our Flinders Ranges Adventure Retreats. If you ask us, we think this is the best way to stay motivated and keep up your fitness this winter while also enjoying some rest for the mind!

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