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Booking Terms and Conditions


Please take the time to read and understand the conditions of booking set out below prior to booking a trip with us. We strongly recommend that you also reading all the information, including the trip brochure if there is one, relating to your trip prior to booking to ensure that you understand the itinerary, style and physical demands of the trip you are undertaking.


Our agreement

These booking terms and conditions apply to bookings you make with The Local Adventure Company Pty Ltd (ACN 663 077 665) trading as The Local Adventure Company (We/Us). Whether over the phone, by email or online bookings you make on our website or on our related sites. We will rely on the authority of the person making the booking to act on behalf of any other traveller on the booking and that person will bind all such travellers to these terms and conditions.



You may be required to pay a non-refundable deposit for your booking to be confirmed. For Multi-day trips, the remaining balance of your trip is due 60 days prior to your travel departure date. If payment is not received you will forfeit your deposit and place on the tour. If your booking is made within 60 days of the departure date, then the full amount is payable at the time of booking. 


Change of itinerary

For operational or other reasons beyond our control, we may need to change activities, venues and accommodation on tours. We will give you as much notice as possible of any such changes. 


Fees and surcharges

Our trip prices are subject to variable and seasonal pricing, both of which are standard practice within the travel industry. This means our trip prices may vary at any time in accordance with demand, market conditions and availability. It is likely that different passengers on the same trip have been charged different prices. Your best option is to book as early as possible to guarantee that price. Any reduced pricing or discounts that may become available after you have paid your deposit will not apply. If you wish to cancel your booking to take advantage of a cheaper price, full cancellation conditions apply. The most up to date pricing is available on our website.

Public Holiday Surcharge: Tours operating over a public holiday may be subject to an additional surcharge payable at the time of booking.


Cancellation by the traveller

If you cancel some or all portions of your booking cancellation fees may apply. A cancellation will only be effective when we receive written confirmation of the cancellation. 

If you cancel a trip:

  • If cancellation takes place 60-89 days prior to your departure date you will be issued with a credit voucher for any monies you have paid less a $100 administration fee

  • If cancellation takes place less than 60 days prior your departure date, 100% of monies you have paid will be forfeited (this includes your non-refundable deposit and your balance payment).

  • if the cancellation is due to you having COVID-19/ “flu-like symptoms”, supported by a medical certificate, we will hold 100% of monies paid by you in connection with the booking as credit.


Cancellation by us

We reserve the right to cancel a trip at any time prior to departure without assigning any reason for cancellation.

  • If we cancel your trip due to reasons other than a force majeure event you will receive a full refund.

  • If we cancel your trip due to a force majeure event you will receive 100% credit to use for a future trip or a refund, less unrecoverable costs.

A force majeure event includes; terrorism, natural disasters, political instability, relevant government advice, or other external events that mean it is not viable for us to operated the planned itinerary.


Booking amendments

If we are advised more than 60 days prior to departure you can transfer your deposit to any other The Local Adventure Company Tour subject to availability. Transfers take effect subject to the following:

  • Transfer requests must be made at least 60 days prior to your departure date

  • Transfer requests must be made in writing

  • A $100 administration fee will apply

  • The trip cost as at the day of transfer will apply to your new booking. i.e. if the trip cost has increased since your original booking, you will be liable for the new cost 

If your notice is received less than 60 days prior to your original departure date, no transfer is possible and 100% of monies paid will be forfeited as per our cancellation policy.


Information from you

The terms of our access to National Parks require us to collect certain information in respect of each customer participating on a tour. If you do not provide the required information, we cannot finalise the booking.

Please advise us of any dietary or other requirements at the time of booking and when you reconfirm your tour.

Personal information is collected and managed in accordance with our privacy policy.



The price of your trip includes:

  • All accommodation as listed in the trip brochure

  • All transport listed in the trip brochure

  • Meals as listed in the trip brochure

  • The services of a tour guide as described in the trip brochure

  • All National Parks fees.



The price of your trip does not include:

  • Flights unless specified

  • Airport transfers, taxes and excess baggage charges unless specified

  • Meals other than those specified in the trip brochure

  • Any alcohol

  • Visa and passport fees

  • Travel personal accident/baggage/cancellation insurance

  • Personal medical or accident evacuation costs

  • Single room supplements

  • Optional activities and all personal expenses.


Age & Health requirements

Minimum Age: For the majority of our trips the minimum age is 8 years of age at the time of travel. All travellers under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a legal guardian, or in lieu of a legal guardian, by an escort over the age of 18, appointed by their legal guardian. The legal guardian or their designee will be responsible for the traveller under the age of 18 for their day to day care. If a legal guardian elects to designate an escort in their lieu, they will be required to complete and sign a relevant document, to delegate their authority. Please note we cannot guarantee triple or adjoining rooms for families; accompanying adults may be required to share with others in the group on a twin share basis. 


Maximum Age: We have no upper age limit though we remind you that our trips can be physically demanding and passengers must ensure that they are suitably fit to allow full participation. We are able to provide details on mandatory health requirements, however, we are not medical experts.


Due to the physical activity involved with our tour, all guests 75 years of age or over at the time of the tour will require a medical clearance from a health professional. It is vital that you inform us of any medical conditions that may affect you during your time with us. We need to know so that we can ensure maximum safety, comfort and enjoyment on your trek.


Health and Fitness: All tours require a moderate to high level of fitness and a degree of mental stamina. Being physically prepared is paramount to the experience and to yours and the group’s safety. If you are not physically prepared you may need to, or may be asked to miss certain days walking for yours and the group’s wellbeing. Being physically prepared will ensure you gain maximum involvement and enjoyment on your tour. 


Consult your GP before your tour if you have any pre existing medical conditions which may affect you whilst on tour. 

Please advise us on the Booking Form of any medications you are taking, medical conditions (ie. allergies etc.) and any previous injuries or operations you may have or had. It may be a requirement to have your GP sign a medical clearance form. If taking any medication please make sure you bring adequate supplies for the duration of the tour.


Travel insurance

The Local Adventure Company strongly recommends that you take out comprehensive Travel Insurance at the specific time of booking your tour and paying a deposit.


From time to time it may be necessary for The Local Adventure Company to cancel a tour prior to departure. It is important that your insurance cover includes losses which may result from unforeseen cancellation or curtailment of your tour at any time and specifically in relation to your commitment to connecting flight bookings.


Personal accident insurance is recommended and is not included in the tour price. Ensure that you are adequately insured for the full duration of the tour in respect of illness, injury, death, medical expenses, emergency evacuation, loss of baggage and personal items, personal liability, tour cancellation and curtailment.


In some circumstances The Local Adventure Company may request evidence of you having obtained personal travel insurance.



Authority on tour

The Local Adventure Company may refuse to carry a person whose behaviour is detrimental to the enjoyment of the group. By travelling with The Local Adventure Company, you agree to accept the authority of the guide and accept their decisions. Our staff are entitled to a safe working environment and our passengers to a safe and great holiday. Any threats to safety, being physical, verbal, or inappropriate behaviour may result in removal from the trip. If a guide requires a passenger to leave the trip no refunds will be given and that passenger will be responsible for their own travel costs and arrangements from that point

Acceptance of risk

You acknowledge and accept that you are participating in adventure type activities that have high and inherent risks and dangers. Our tours are undertaken in remote areas where expert medical aid and limited communications may mean delays in assistance in the event of injury, accident or death. Adverse weather conditions may require changes to the trip structure and itinerary and may affect your personal comfort. Accordingly, you understand that there are inherent dangers and risks, including risk of injury or death.



You will be required to sign a waiver before attending a tour with The Local Adventure Company. This will be sent to you before the commencement of your tour and you will not be able to attend the tour until we have a copy of this waiver signed and returned.


Limitation of liability

To the maximum extent permitted by law we exclude all liability whatsoever to you or any other person (whether in contract tort or otherwise) for any loss (whether direct, indirect, consequential) including death or personal injury or damage of any kind that may be suffered as a result of any act or omission whether negligent or otherwise by or on behalf of us in connection with the Services or any other matter or thing relating to these Booking Conditions except to the extent that such loss or damage is incurred as a direct result of our fraud or wilful misconduct. This clause does not limit or exclude your rights under the Consumer & Competition Act 2010.

Limitation of Liability

Where the law implies a warranty into these Booking Conditions which may not lawfully be excluded (in particular warranties under the CCA) our liability for breach of such a warranty will be limited to either supplying the Services again or payment of the cost of having the services supplied again.


You indemnify us (and all of our subsidiaries, officers, employees, contractors and agents) against all losses, claims actions, proceedings, damages, costs and expenses (including legal fees) arising from any claim by a third party arising directly or indirectly out of or in connection with:

(a) your access or use of the Services, this includes your delegate’s access or use of the Services; and

(b) any breach by you (or your delegate) of:

(i) these Booking Conditions; or

(ii) any additional terms applicable to providing the Services,

except to the extent that such loss or damage as a direct result of our fraud or wilful misconduct.


Third parties

We contract with a network of companies, activity providers, accommodation providers, airlines, transfer companies, local guides, government agencies, independent contractors and individuals to assist in the running of our tours as agent for these third parties (Third Party Supplier). Third Party Suppliers may also engage the services of local operators and sub-contractors. Although we take all reasonable steps to select reputable Third Party Suppliers, we cannot be responsible for their acts or omissions. Any services provided by Third Party Suppliers may be subject to the terms and conditions imposed by these Third Party Suppliers and you may be required to sign additional terms when undertaking these activities. These may limit or exclude the liability of the Third Party Supplier. You acknowledge that Third Party Suppliers operate in compliance with the applicable laws of the countries in which they operate and we do not warrant that any Third Party Supplier is in compliance with the laws of your country of residence or any other jurisdiction.

We are not responsible for the acts and omissions, whether negligent or otherwise, of these Third Parties Suppliers. Any disputes between you and any third party, are to be resolved solely between you and that party.

Vicarious liability

We shall not be held vicariously liable for the intentional or negligent acts of any persons not employed by us nor for any intentional or negligent acts of our employees committed while off duty or outside the course and scope of their employment.



Optional activities

Optional activities not included in the trip price do not form part of the trip or this contract. You accept that any assistance given by your tour guide or local representative in arranging optional activities does not render us liable for them in any way. The contract for the provision of that activity will be between you and the activity provider.


Claims & complaints

If you have a complaint about your trip please inform your tour guide or call us at the time in order that they can attempt to rectify the matter. If satisfaction is not reached through these means, then any further complaint should be put in writing to us within 30 days of the end of the tour. Complaints made outside this timeframe may not be considered.



In the event that any term or condition contained in these Booking Conditions is unenforceable or void by operation of law or as being against public policy or for any other reason then such term or condition shall be deemed to be severed from this contract or amended accordingly only to such extent necessary to allow all remaining terms and conditions to survive and continue as binding.


Photos and marketing

You consent to us using images of you taken during the trip for advertising and promotional purposes in any medium we choose. You grant us a perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide, irrevocable licence to use such images for publicity and promotional purposes.


Privacy policy

Any personal information that we collect about you may be used for any purpose associated with the operation of a trip or to send you marketing material in relation to our events and special offers. The information may be disclosed to our agents, service providers or other suppliers to enable us to operate the Trip. We will otherwise treat your details in accordance with our privacy policy (available for viewing on our website).


Applicable law

These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of the state of South Australia and any legal action arising therefrom shall be litigated only in the appropriate court in that state.



The Local Adventure Company reserves the right to change, amend or delete any of these Terms and Conditions, or policies contained therein from time to time without prior notice except that if you have entered into an agreement with The Local Adventure Company on the basis of the previously applicable Terms and Conditions, those terms apply, and the changed, amended or deleted Terms and Conditions apply to all agreements you enter with The Local Adventure Company after such change, amendment or deletion until any further change, amendment or deletion.

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